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Flowers gifts

Discover our "Flower Gifts" category, where the beauty of nature meets heartfelt expression. Choose from elegant bouquets, vibrant arrangements, and charming floral sets, each designed to convey love, appreciation, or celebration. Perfect for any occasion, our flowers are handpicked for freshness and artfully arranged to leave a lasting impression. Whether it's a birthday, anniversary, or just because, our floral gifts add a touch of grace and joy to every moment, making it truly unforgettable. Fast flower delivery in Minsk and Belarus.

101 Rose


101 Rose

$ 230.00

Bouquet of 101 roses with delivery in Belarus. For the bouquet, you can choose 1 of 3 colors in the options below. Red roses are always available, white and pink need to be pre..

Basket with flowers and a toy Basket with flowers and a toy


Basket with flowers and a toy

$ 80.00 $ 85.00

Basket with flowers and a toy   A cheerful gift basket featuring a vibrant arrangement of fresh flowers paired with a cute, cuddly toy, perfect for adding a touch of joy..

Basket with roses Basket with roses


Basket with roses

$ 120.00

Basket with roses 51 roses as in the photo Our "Basket with Roses" arrangement is a timeless gift of elegance and affection, featuring a curated selection of f..

Bouquet Carnival


Bouquet Carnival

$ 145.00

Bouquet Carnival Deluxe -  alstroemeria 5, spray rose 5, rose 5, chamomile chrysanthemum 5, hydrangea or chrysanthemum newton 3, gerbera 5, decoration, bow (As in the photo..

Bouquet is bright red


Bouquet is bright red

$ 70.00

The bouquet is bright red   This vibrant bouquet features the deep passion of bright red roses paired with the delicate charm of white and pink alstroemerias. The combin..

Bouquet My best day


Bouquet My best day

$ 120.00

Bouquet My best day   The bouquet "My Best Day" is a charming and tender gift that will give the recipient a feeling of joy and happiness. A composition of fre..

Bouquet of red roses


Bouquet of red roses

$ 30.00

A bouquet of red roses wrapped in craft paper or matte film.   A bouquet of red roses embodies timeless romance and passion. Each rose symbolizes love and admiration, cr..

Bouquet of spray roses


Bouquet of spray roses

$ 49.00

Bouquet of spray roses The photo shows a bouquet of 15 bush roses   A bouquet of bush roses offers a charming, delicate beauty with clusters of petite blooms on each ..

Bouquet of white roses


Bouquet of white roses

$ 30.00

Bouquet of white roses Elegant and timeless, our bouquet of white roses embodies purity and grace. Each pristine bloom is carefully selected and arranged to create a stunning di..

Bouquet umbrella with flowers Bouquet umbrella with flowers


Bouquet umbrella with flowers

$ 65.00

Bouquet umbrella with flowers Composition: seasonal flowers, wooden box umbrella A bouquet of flowers in an umbrella is a bright and original gift that will give the rec..

Box with flowers and macaroons Box with flowers and macaroons


Box with flowers and macaroons

$ 70.00 $ 75.00

Box with flowers and macaroons   Sizes: standard - seasonal flowers and 8 macaroons deluxe - seasonal flowers and 15 macaroons Delight someone special with our elegan..

Gift set Fruits and flowers Gift set Fruits and flowers


Gift set Fruits and flowers

$ 165.00

Gift set Fruits and flowers   Composition: flower arrangement, seasonal fruits, wooden box, decoration   A beautifully curated gift set featuring a selection ..

Gift set Roses and sweets


Gift set Roses and sweets

$ 175.00

Gift set Roses and sweets Gift set composition: Composition: 21 roses, 8 Raffaello, 14 Kinder chocolates, decoration, wicker basket.   The Roses, Ferrero Rocher &..

Heart of roses Heart of roses


Heart of roses

$ 140.00

Heart of roses in a wooden frame Deluxe - 30 cm  Premium - 40 cm Super - 55 cm (As in the photo) A beautifully handcrafted wooden box cradles a heart-shape..

Heart of roses and raffaello


Heart of roses and raffaello

$ 70.00

Heart of roses and raffaello in a wooden frame When pre-ordering 3 days in advance, you can choose the color of the roses: red, white, pink, cream. Standard - 20 cm De..

Showing 1 to 15 of 15 (1 Pages)